I had gotten into my car last night to go home from work and Dr. Tony Evans was on the radio, (I always love to listen to his messages) and he was explaining to his church the reasoning behind why God made man and put him over the physical creation. This got me thinking about why Jesus came. You see God created the earth after creating the heavens. He then created man to have dominion over the earth. As Tony had explained that God gave man dominion over the earth. This was God's representative over the earth in human flesh. When Lucifer/Devil/Satan came and tempted Adam through Eve. He then won the dominion over the earth when Adam basically bowed in submission to Lucifer by disobeying God's direct command not to eat of the tree of good and evil. Sadly this spun all of creation out of control. Sin entered into the world that effected not just man, but all of creation. God put in authority a man over his creation and through a man, he would have to redeem it back. As Dr. Evans explained, since God set the dominion of man over the earth, it would have to be a man to redeem it.
With that being said, on back to God's plan to redeem humanity. So we see in Genesis that God laid out a plan to man, woman, and to Satan as to what would come. Satan had already won over a third of the angels in heaven, Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:16, Luke 10:18, and Rev. 12:7-9 all talk about how Satan was cast out of heaven, but only in Revelations does it mention the angels along with him. In Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-18 tells us of Jesus going into the wilderness and there he faced temptation from Satan. It does not go into detail of when the temptation started. All we know is that Christ was full of the Holy Spirit when he left for the desert and fasted for forty (40) days. What we see is that during this time, Satan looked for a weakness to over come Christ, the Son of the living God. With each temptation, Christ through the Holy Spirit faced the temptation with the spoken and living word of God. Here, Satan has God in the flesh. Knowing that if he could have tempted the first man and succeed with Adam bowing to Satan, then he could for sure find a weakness and do the same with Jesus. Just as Satan tempted Adam with food, he would start out with the same by asking him to turn stones into bread. Jesus responded by living on the word of God which is the bread of life. He tempted Jesus with tempting God with suicide, but again, Jesus would respond with the living word of God by not tempting the creator. Finally, Satan would show Jesus what has been built in this world at the time. Since Satan had dominion over this world, he felt that he could show Jesus and tempt him with all the riches of this world if Jesus would just bow to Satan. Jesus knowing the plans of God, knowing that soon, one day, this world will pass away and that the living word of God will last forever, (Matt 24:35, Mark 13:31, Luke 16:17 & 21:33, and Rev. 21:1). You might say that all of that was spoken after the temptation, Ps. 103:16 talks about the ending of things, and Ezekiel 7:11 also talks about the end of wickedness as well. With this knowledge, Jesus rebuked Satan and reminded him of who God is and that there is to be no idol before God. Jesus added that we are to worship God.
You see, God had to come in the flesh to redeem humanity through Jesus Christ His son. Jesus was born of a virgin (Matt. 1:18-25 and Luke 2:1-21) God became flesh to redeem us to him. It had to be a human to do this. There had to be a miracle birth for this to happen and that was Jesus. As John the Apostle told us in his letter, he stated that the Word was in the beginning and was with God and was God and that word became flesh and lived amongst us.
All of this came from Dr. Tony Evans sermon on why God became a man to die for us. As he so beautifully put it from his sermon, Jesus the Great I Am. https://tonyevans.org/podcast/ All praise to Christ our redeemer.
1 Cor. 15:21 tells us that death came into the world through one man's sin (Adam); and Rom. 5:12 tells us that through Adam's sin has caused all to sin. How do we know this? Paul quoting PS. 14:3 Rom. 3:10-12 that everyone has sinned and there is no one who is right before God since they have turned away from Him to their own ways. In John 8:7 when the pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery, Jesus asked that if anyone one of the accusers are without sin to cast the first stone. Funny how the author continues and stated that from the oldest to the youngest they walked away. The Elder John in 1 John 1:8 that anyone who says they have no sin deceives themselves with the absence of truth.When Adam sinned God held court, not in heaven, but here on earth. The sentences were handed out, man would till the ground by the sweat of his brow, women would have difficult once a month and during child birth, and Satan would be condemned to his belly and his head crushed by the birth of a woman's child. Notice God did not say that a man's son, but a woman's child. This is how God would redeem humanity.
Isaiah 52:13-15 tells us that the coming Messiah would face persecution after being lifted up. He would be beaten beyond any human recognition. Isaiah 53 is all about the coming Messiah. Each portion goes into detail of what to look for in a Messiah, 1-12 that tells us that no one has believed in the message, there was no attraction about him to be a king or even less, a coming Messiah, rejected, pierced for our transgressions, bruised for our inquiries with the chastisement of the world on him completely; and finished up with barring the sins of many and becoming an intersession for the transgressor, (us). If you want to more about this, Hebrews 4: 14-16. The author tells us that he is the great high priest and empathizes with our weaknesses and understands our temptations and has risen into heaven.
With that being said, on back to God's plan to redeem humanity. So we see in Genesis that God laid out a plan to man, woman, and to Satan as to what would come. Satan had already won over a third of the angels in heaven, Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:16, Luke 10:18, and Rev. 12:7-9 all talk about how Satan was cast out of heaven, but only in Revelations does it mention the angels along with him. In Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-18 tells us of Jesus going into the wilderness and there he faced temptation from Satan. It does not go into detail of when the temptation started. All we know is that Christ was full of the Holy Spirit when he left for the desert and fasted for forty (40) days. What we see is that during this time, Satan looked for a weakness to over come Christ, the Son of the living God. With each temptation, Christ through the Holy Spirit faced the temptation with the spoken and living word of God. Here, Satan has God in the flesh. Knowing that if he could have tempted the first man and succeed with Adam bowing to Satan, then he could for sure find a weakness and do the same with Jesus. Just as Satan tempted Adam with food, he would start out with the same by asking him to turn stones into bread. Jesus responded by living on the word of God which is the bread of life. He tempted Jesus with tempting God with suicide, but again, Jesus would respond with the living word of God by not tempting the creator. Finally, Satan would show Jesus what has been built in this world at the time. Since Satan had dominion over this world, he felt that he could show Jesus and tempt him with all the riches of this world if Jesus would just bow to Satan. Jesus knowing the plans of God, knowing that soon, one day, this world will pass away and that the living word of God will last forever, (Matt 24:35, Mark 13:31, Luke 16:17 & 21:33, and Rev. 21:1). You might say that all of that was spoken after the temptation, Ps. 103:16 talks about the ending of things, and Ezekiel 7:11 also talks about the end of wickedness as well. With this knowledge, Jesus rebuked Satan and reminded him of who God is and that there is to be no idol before God. Jesus added that we are to worship God.
You see, God had to come in the flesh to redeem humanity through Jesus Christ His son. Jesus was born of a virgin (Matt. 1:18-25 and Luke 2:1-21) God became flesh to redeem us to him. It had to be a human to do this. There had to be a miracle birth for this to happen and that was Jesus. As John the Apostle told us in his letter, he stated that the Word was in the beginning and was with God and was God and that word became flesh and lived amongst us.
All of this came from Dr. Tony Evans sermon on why God became a man to die for us. As he so beautifully put it from his sermon, Jesus the Great I Am. https://tonyevans.org/podcast/ All praise to Christ our redeemer.
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