Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Truth vs The Lie

Just a few days ago I was in prayer seeking the Lord about my up and coming move to Ethiopia. Things were not looking like I wanted them to. So the thoughts of doubt were racing through my mind as I sat there in prayer. I got off of my knees and sat down and just began to think about the words that God had spoken to me through His word. Words that were of truth. Then I had a rememberance of my childhood past.

I had went to spend the summer with my father like I had done many other summers before. My brother and I were outside playing with his hotwheels and having fun. I was wishing I had mine at that time. So when we were called for dinner, we went to get cleaned up and then sat down for dinner. My father sat down and I asked him if he would stop by my grandparents house and pick up my hotwheels, for he worked in the same town where my grandparents lived. He said he would do that. He then reminded me to say thank you when someone does something for you, so I did.

We finished dinner and took our showers and joined the rest of the family in the living room to watch t.v. before we would go to bed. My brother and I slept up stairs while my two sisters and step mother and father slept down stairs. That next morning my brother and I woke up and for some reason he just wanted to start trouble right away like any other time when he felt he needed to be superior as any other child would. So he told me something that put me into a panic. He said to me that morning, "Daddy said he wasn't going to get your cars." I jumped up and said he was lying. So I stormed down stairs to wait on my father that morning as he was getting ready for work.

I sat at the bottom of the stairs waiting for my father to pass by and as he did he looked at me and wanted to know why I was just sitting there. I told him what my brother had said and then I asked him if it was true. He got upset cause he was starting off his morning with trouble between his sons before he left for work. He marched me right back up stairs and confronted my brother about the lie that I had told him about and of course my brother denied it. I turned to him and with shock shouting, "you're lying!" wonderning why would he do such a thing knowing full well that I have lied to my father about things before. My father told the both of us that we had better straighten up or he was going to take care of it with his belt before he left. That shut us both up very quickly. For we knew the pain that his belt could deliver to our butts and we didn't want any of that.

After he had left we still wanted to fight. I wanted to fight because he had lied to me about dad not willing to honoring my request and he wanted to fight because I told on him. We would soon get over our despute with each other and carry on in our day as boys do. Later on that day my father would arrive home and we would always rushed to his car as we did many times before when he got home, but this time I had a very good reason to be the first there. My father stepped out of his car and in hand he had my hotwheels. I was so excited that he had come through on his promise to me.

This story reminded me of when our heavenly Father promises us things and how the enemy of our souls trys to convence us of a lie. So instead of thanking God for His love, grace, mercy, and His promises, we go to Him in a panic asking Him and pleading with Him and wondering is He really going to do what He had said. When all we have to do is look at His promises as yes and amen. Matthew 7:9-11 9"You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? 10 Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! 11 So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him."

It is a lesson that we need to remind ourselves each day when we wake up how our God gives us the things that we ask for and not play with our hearts. Thank you Father for your promises.

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