I have shared many times about my first trip to Ethiopia that changed my life and my view on life. How I returned to the states only wanting to return and help the single mothers who are struggling to just feed their children on a daily basis. Mission Ethiopia http://missionethiopia.com has partnered with different churches in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia that allows mothers to work making beaded necklaces. This gives them a paycheck to send their children to school, pay for doctor visits when they get sick, and most of all feed them everyday. That helps them with the financial part of life.
This has been the vision of my heart for a long time. When I say long time, I mean about four years long. To reach out and walk with these mothers and widows as they still have to face life on a daily basis. You see money doesn't solve all of their needs. It is easy to say, "I can send them money" and you can, but just we all are broken and need God's reconceliation in all of our lives it makes much easier when you have someone to walk with.
You see its not about me, or the money, but about relationships. Its in relationships that we can discover who we are in Christ as we walk together in our brokenness and humility. Christ came to this broken world and He demonstrated to twelve men what its like to walk in relationship. He humbled Himself and showed them what it looked like to serve even though He was the creators son.
I look at how Christ striped Himself of his linens and got down on His knees and washed the feet of those he was leading, as a metaphor of us stripping ourselves of the luxuries of life and getting on our knees and washing the feet of those we are leading as a way to help them get closer to God by washing away the lies that the enemy has told them, or what society has said about them. Its more than just a paycheck.
As I am writing this I am thinking about how our Father in Heaven sent His son Jesus Christ to this world to bring hope and empowerment to a lost and broken world and how Jesus sent out the deciples to do the same. And that is what Mission Ethiopia is doing for these single mothers and widows. They are spreading hope and empowerment to them. That is why I am excited about this opportunity. For this has been my dream for past four years. I am so looking forward to this opportunity. Romans 10:14 and 15 says, "14 But how can people call for help if they don't know who to trust? And how can they know who to trust if they haven't heard of the One who can be trusted? And how can they hear if nobody tells them?15 And how is anyone going to tell them, unless someone is sent to do it? That's why Scripture exclaims, 'How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!'"
This has been my goal, dream, and vision for the last four years and I am excited to share it with you. But I cannot do it alone. As so many has signed up to help answer the call of sending me out I am still short financially. I am still asking for 60 more people that would be willing to partner with me for a year at $50.00 for this first month and $20.00 for the next eleven months. $20.00 is four cups of coffee from a coffee shop. I know this can happen. My flight leaves on September the 9th and I hope to be on it.
Thank you very much for your time and your consideration of giving.
God Bless you
This has been the vision of my heart for a long time. When I say long time, I mean about four years long. To reach out and walk with these mothers and widows as they still have to face life on a daily basis. You see money doesn't solve all of their needs. It is easy to say, "I can send them money" and you can, but just we all are broken and need God's reconceliation in all of our lives it makes much easier when you have someone to walk with.
You see its not about me, or the money, but about relationships. Its in relationships that we can discover who we are in Christ as we walk together in our brokenness and humility. Christ came to this broken world and He demonstrated to twelve men what its like to walk in relationship. He humbled Himself and showed them what it looked like to serve even though He was the creators son.
I look at how Christ striped Himself of his linens and got down on His knees and washed the feet of those he was leading, as a metaphor of us stripping ourselves of the luxuries of life and getting on our knees and washing the feet of those we are leading as a way to help them get closer to God by washing away the lies that the enemy has told them, or what society has said about them. Its more than just a paycheck.
As I am writing this I am thinking about how our Father in Heaven sent His son Jesus Christ to this world to bring hope and empowerment to a lost and broken world and how Jesus sent out the deciples to do the same. And that is what Mission Ethiopia is doing for these single mothers and widows. They are spreading hope and empowerment to them. That is why I am excited about this opportunity. For this has been my dream for past four years. I am so looking forward to this opportunity. Romans 10:14 and 15 says, "14 But how can people call for help if they don't know who to trust? And how can they know who to trust if they haven't heard of the One who can be trusted? And how can they hear if nobody tells them?15 And how is anyone going to tell them, unless someone is sent to do it? That's why Scripture exclaims, 'How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!'"
This has been my goal, dream, and vision for the last four years and I am excited to share it with you. But I cannot do it alone. As so many has signed up to help answer the call of sending me out I am still short financially. I am still asking for 60 more people that would be willing to partner with me for a year at $50.00 for this first month and $20.00 for the next eleven months. $20.00 is four cups of coffee from a coffee shop. I know this can happen. My flight leaves on September the 9th and I hope to be on it.
Thank you very much for your time and your consideration of giving.
God Bless you
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